Downstream procurement is not active, and the market for hydrofluoric acid is declining

According to the monitoring of the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, the price trend of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid in China has declined this week. As of the weekend, the market price of hydrofluoric acid was 11183.33 yuan/ton, a decrease of 2.75% compared to the price of 11500 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month, and a year-on-year increase of 0.49%.


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On the supply side: The domestic hydrofluoric acid price trend has declined this week, with the mainstream prices negotiated in various regions of the country ranging from 11100 to 11500 yuan/ton. Recently, some devices have been shut down for sale, and there has been little change in the spot supply of hydrofluoric acid. The order situation for hydrofluoric acid from manufacturers is normal, with anhydrous hydrofluoric acid starting at around 60%. Some manufacturers have inventory backlog, and the hydrofluoric acid market price trend has decreased.


Cost side: The domestic price of fluorite has declined, with an average price of 3700 yuan/ton as of the weekend, a decrease of 1.66% compared to the beginning of the week’s price of 3762.5 yuan/ton. The current situation of the domestic fluorite industry still exists, and overall, the operating rate of enterprises remains low. The main reason is the tension in upstream mining, with some areas experiencing mining accidents. Fluorite mining enterprises are facing increasingly strict safety and environmental requirements, and some mines are undergoing safety hazard inspections, The difficulty of starting a fluorite mine has increased, but there has been strong resistance from downstream towards high priced fluorite recently, and procurement is not active. The factory price of fluorite has been lowered, which has affected the market for hydrofluoric acid.


This week, the price trend of sulfuric acid market has declined. As of the weekend, the average price of domestic sulfuric acid is 258 yuan/ton. The upstream sulfur market of sulfuric acid has declined, and there has been a certain decrease in costs. Downstream customers of sulfuric acid have reduced their enthusiasm for purchasing sulfuric acid, and negative factors have affected the downward trend of sulfuric acid product market. The low price of sulfuric acid is negative for the domestic hydrofluoric acid market, and the hydrofluoric acid market is also declining.


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On the demand side: The market trend of refrigerant products downstream of the terminal is temporarily stable, but the operating rate of the refrigerant industry remains low. The procurement of raw materials is not active, and the load of refrigerant R22 manufacturers is not high. Downstream procurement just needs to follow up, and some enterprises’ quotas are digested in advance. The monthly average remaining quotas are relatively small, and the price trend of R22 is mainly stable. The domestic R134a manufacturers are operating at low loads, but the actual high-end offers have fallen, and the purchasing atmosphere has cooled. Currently, the market quotation for refrigerant R134a is mostly in the range of 25000 to 27000 yuan/ton. The demand for the refrigerant industry in the off-season is insufficient, and transactions are relatively flat. The start of production in the refrigerant industry remains sluggish, which is negative for the upstream raw material market, and the hydrofluoric acid market is declining.


Future Market Forecast: In the near future, there will be a downward trend in the upstream raw material fluorite market, and a downward trend in the price of sulfuric acid; The downstream refrigerant industry has maintained a low level of construction, coupled with a decrease in enthusiasm for hydrofluoric acid procurement, some hydrofluoric acid enterprises have accumulated inventory, and bearish factors have increased. Chen Ling, a hydrofluoric acid analyst at Business Society, believes that the trend of the hydrofluoric acid market may slightly decline in the future.

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