Cost rises, demand stabilizes, O-Xylene price rises this week

O-Xylene price rises this week



According to the commodity market analysis system of the business community, as of August 4, the price of O-Xylene was 8600 yuan/ton, up 3.61% from the price of O-Xylene of 8300 yuan/ton on July 28 last weekend. The price of mixed xylene has increased, while the cost of ortho xylene has increased; The downstream market of phthalic anhydride rose in a volatile manner, the demand for ortho benzene was stable, the market of ortho benzene industry chain rose together, and the price of O-Xylene rose this week.


The market for raw material mixed xylene rose this week


According to the market analysis system of mixed xylene products in the Business Society, as of August 4th, the price of mixed xylene was 8220 yuan/ton, an increase of 130 yuan/ton or 1.61% compared to the price of 8090 yuan/ton on July 28th last weekend. Crude oil prices rose in shock, Naphtha and mixed xylene prices rose, raw material costs rose, and O-Xylene market gained momentum.



Downstream phthalic anhydride market fluctuates and rises


According to the market analysis system of phthalic anhydride products in the Business Society, as of August 4th, the quotation for ortho phthalic anhydride was 8550 yuan/ton, an increase of 1.03% compared to the previous weekend’s phthalic anhydride price of 8462.50 yuan/ton on July 28th. The market of phthalic anhydride is firm, the price of phthalic anhydride rises in shock, the price decline of naphthalene phthalic anhydride is bad for phthalic anhydride, the starting point of plasticizer enterprises is low, the demand for phthalic anhydride is weak, the support for the rise of phthalic anhydride from phthalic anhydride from phthalic anhydride from phthalic anhydride from phthalic anhydride from phthalic anhydride from phthalic anhydride from naphthalene is insufficient, and the power for the rise of O-Xylene is limited.


Future prospects


Analysts of O-Xylene data from the business agency believe that the price of Naphtha and mixed xylene will rise and the cost of raw materials for o-xylene will rise due to the rise of crude oil; The downstream demand is limited, the support for the price rise of phthalic anhydride is insufficient, and the rising power of O-Xylene is limited. In the future, the cost of ortho benzene will increase; The downstream demand for ortho benzene is average, and there is still upward support for ortho benzene in the future. It is expected that ortho benzene prices will stabilize after a slight increase in the future.

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