Domestic phthalic anhydride prices slightly declined in June

The domestic market price trend of ortho phthalic anhydride has slightly declined. As of the end of the month, the quoted price of ortho phthalic anhydride was 7700 yuan/ton, a decrease of 2.22% compared to the initial price of 7875 yuan/ton, and a year-on-year decrease of 10.20%.



Supply side: Stable operation of the device and sufficient supply of goods


In June, the operation of domestic phthalic anhydride plants was stable. Currently, the operating rate of phthalic anhydride in China is around 60%, and the supply of phthalic anhydride is sufficient. In June, due to the slight decrease in the price of naphthalene phthalic anhydride, the price of ortho phthalic anhydride decreased. Recently, the transaction situation of phthalic anhydride has been sluggish, and the market trend of phthalic anhydride has slightly declined.


Cost side: Low prices of ortho benzene drag down the market


In June, the domestic price of ortho benzene remained low, with a price of 8100 yuan/ton as of the end of the month, which was the same as the price of 8100 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month. The supply of ortho benzene is normal, and the operation of on-site devices is stable. However, port inventory is maintained, and the external market price of ortho benzene remains low. As a result, the domestic ortho benzene price trend is temporarily stable, and the low ortho benzene market has brought a certain negative impact on the phthalic anhydride market, resulting in a slight decline in the phthalic anhydride market price.



On the demand side: DOP market is declining, and on-demand procurement is the main focus


The price trend in the downstream DOP market has slightly declined, with a price of 9518.33 yuan/ton as of the end of the month. In June, the price dropped by 1.71%. Domestic DOP enterprises have started operating steadily, and the demand for phthalic anhydride procurement is normal. In June, DOP prices have slightly declined, while the price of raw material isooctanol has slightly declined. In addition, demand has not significantly improved, and market transaction performance is weak. The mainstream price of DOP is 9500-9600 yuan/ton, which is affected by poor demand in the DOP market, The price trend of phthalic anhydride has slightly declined.


In the future, the price of O-Xylene is temporarily stable in the short term, but the market of the downstream plasticizer industry is volatile, and the demand is mainly based on demand. In addition, the supply of phthalic anhydride is normal, and the purchase order situation is general. In addition, the price of naphthalene phthalic anhydride declines slightly, so it is expected that the market price of phthalic anhydride will remain low in the future.

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